Doom Fire on the RS90

The RS90 or Retromini is a little Gameboy-esque clone that’s been out for a little while, it contains an older Ingenic JZ24725B processor with 32Mb RAM. It’s fairly cheap, I purchased mine from for £24.99. Out of the box it can play Gameboy, Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance games with it running an OS that’s pretty similar to the old Dingoo A320.

Recently pcercuei alongside mth and zear have done some fantastic work and got OpenDingux running on the device. This opens it up to better emulators, games and apps all of which can be found on the dingoonity sub-forum

The toolchain was also made available, and as with all new devices I wanted to get a little hello world project working on it. Note that I won’t explain how I set up the toolchain or cmake that I’m using to build the project here, I’ll save that for another post.


Now the question came to what should I make that’s just enough to test things out but also something that would just take a few hours to code. The answer is the DOOM Fire effect!

The DOOM fire effect is a simulation of fire rising up the screen that was used in the Final DOOM port of DOOM for the Playstation 1. A great writeup on this effect can be found at Fabien Sanglard’s website

So I decided to port this over to the RS90, all the code is available here. Note digging through the code it might seem a bit more over-engineered than it needs to be, I used it as a little testbed for some state machine patterns I want to start using for my next few projects with SDL.

Of course I can’t leave without a little video of it:

David Roberts

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Newcastle upon Tyne, UK