Perlin Noise

I've been quite interested lately in procedurally generated terrain and how I might be able to use this in upcoming projects, primarily just to see how to do it but it may end up in some actual games I want to develop in the future. There are diff... »

David Roberts on #Perlin,

Chumby, lua and segmentation fault

I've been digging through some of my older projects (read abandoned) and I came across a small lua library I had started writing to interface with the frame buffer on the Chumby, source available here If I remember correctly the library works and ... »

LOVE paged list

So, the usual excuse for not posting here busy and all that...although I've been building quite a bit just forgot to upload any of it! Anyhow to the point, I've begun rewriting one of my early lua games using the LOVE game framework called CodeCop... »

Meggy Jr, Game Of Life

Intro After my last post with the Meggy Jr displaying the weather, I wanted to write a standalone app for the Meggy Jr that doesn't connect to a PC and does a little more than just display data that's being sent to it. So, I decided to implement a... »