OpenDingux 3D (slow edition)

Looking back on these posts, I should probably try to update them a little more frequently. I think I might stick to relatively short posts, that way I might actually get some more out! Anyway, in the last post I described how I set up a development environment that was basically Xubuntu running in a virtual machine, and then SSHing into that from OS X. Well I’ve been putting that to use building a simple little software renderer for the Dingoo. »

OpenDingux Dev Environment for OS X (sort of)

A couple of years ago I picked up a Dingoo A320, it was awesome especially for commuting back and forth to Sky where I was working at the time. Anyway things change and inevitably it ended up in the back of a draw. Having moved house again, I found it, though there were a few scratches on the screen that were quickly taken care with good ol’Brasso. I decided that it was time for me to make something for it and learn SDL during the process. »

Chumby and Go

A number of years ago I purchased a Chumby One, basically a fancy alarm clock running linux. I’ve played with a few different languages for it but haven’t really done much with it lately. I’ve also been using a bit of Go recently and thought it might be fun to get Go running on the Chumby One, this has actually proven to be remarkably easy thanks to Go already coming with a number of compilers for different architectures. »

A Ghost, an Arduino and Go

Going through Newcastle the other month, I out of habit went to visit Forbidden Planet, for comics but mainly for the toys and stuff. I came across what is possible one of the best lamps I have seen, I am of course talking about the LED Pacman ghost lamp. Now what makes it particularly interesting is that it comes with an infra-red (IR) remote control that can be used to change the colour as well as set a number of effects such as a fading and strobe effects. »

Big Trak Jr and Raspberry Pi - part 1

Browsing around the Modelzone shop in Westfields today I saw that the Big Trak Jr was on sale for £9.99. I've been watching these for a while but thought they were a bit too much for me to just take apart, but at the sale price I picked one up. As... »