Meggy Jr, weather and temperature

For my birthday my girlfriend got me a Meggy Jr! it’s an awesome build-it-yourself handheld based on the arduino platform with an 8by8 pixel RGB screen. I initially thought about creating a sort of Pacman clone, I got so far and then got bored of just copying a game that’s been done half a hundred times.

So…instead I decided to have the Meggy Jr alternately display the temperature and an icon representing the weather. I’ve hacked together a quick python script that retrieves the temperature and weather from the Yahoo weather RSS feed every 20 seconds and then using pyserial it sends the icon or the temperature to the Meggy Jr. I plan to have the Meggy Jr connected to my Chumby so it can just sit there without having to be connected to my laptop.

The code’s avaialble here, nothing particularly new, as always any questions then just post a comment and I’ll get back to you..


It’s a mild 19 degrees here, I might have the colour of the text change depending on how hot it is, blue for cold, red for warm. Watch this space…

Some of the icons for the weather are pretty crude, I’m not going to lie, I’m not an artist.

David Roberts

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Newcastle upon Tyne, UK