In an earlier post I mentioned briefly about using pySerial to send data to and from the arduino using Python, in this post I'll go through a bit more about how to set this up. First you'll need pySerial, which can be downloaded from here. For win... »
A few weeks ago I was in Maplins and came across a bag of 'lucky dip' displays, there were various different 7-segment displays and some LCD displays. None of them came with pin outs, as expected, the 7-segment displays were quick enough to get wo... »
I've been planning on turning the Chumby into a websever using lighttpd, thought it'd be kind of cool to make it do something useful rather than just standing there and showing me the time or recent facebook updates. My first idea was to just put ... »
Last year sometime I purchased a chumby one, with the main goal to develop some funky widgets and also I needed a new alarm clock. The widgets that are on the chumby site are all developed in flash, and I never quite got round to paying the massiv... »
Since I've had an arduino I've been wanting to build a tracked robot, and slowly but surely I've been picking up sensors and motors to use. The latest sensor I've picked up is an infra red distance sensor namely the pololu GP2Y0D810Z0F Sharp senso... »