OpenDingux 3D (slow edition)

Looking back on these posts, I should probably try to update them a little more frequently. I think I might stick to relatively short posts, that way I might actually get some more out! Anyway, in the last post I described how I set up a development environment that was basically Xubuntu running in a virtual machine, and then SSHing into that from OS X. Well I’ve been putting that to use building a simple little software renderer for the Dingoo. »

OpenDingux Dev Environment for OS X (sort of)

A couple of years ago I picked up a Dingoo A320, it was awesome especially for commuting back and forth to Sky where I was working at the time. Anyway things change and inevitably it ended up in the back of a draw. Having moved house again, I found it, though there were a few scratches on the screen that were quickly taken care with good ol’Brasso. I decided that it was time for me to make something for it and learn SDL during the process. »